Monday, December 9, 2019

Analysis of Enhancement Technologies Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Enhancement Technologies. Answer: Identify 3 ethical issues that may be associated with the situation as described in the article. Gathering and processing the necessary data quick enough to avoid dangerous circumstances. Liability is another ethical issues, who is liable when an autonomous car crashes? The driver? Telsa or the programmers? The technology in the driverless vehicles have errors and they are not immune to the failure of the system. The ethical issue which would arise surrounding the liability is assigning fault when the autonomous car crashes. Another ethical issue is the maintaining confidentiality. Individuals do not have confident of the driverless cars, They may not trust it with their life as they are been driven by machine and it could have faults. Another ethical issue facing the driverless vehicle is the issue of outsourcing the production of the various components. The organization making the driverless cars could have problems when they are outsourcing production of various components to make these cars. For the 3 ethical issues nominated, identify the key stakeholders. Liability ethical issues: The stakeholder who is held responsible is the manufacturing companies. If the software misinterprets a worn down sign the blame falls to the manufacturing company. The autonomous vehicle has become more prevalent system for the responsibility. Maintaining confidentiality: Community are the main stakeholders. They do not have confident in the driverless vehicles as they are prone to risk as system can failure. The ethical issue of gathering and processing of the data quicker; the stakeholder is the programmer. These individuals are responsible to carry out all the ethical scenarios and prevent occurrence of a situation. For each stakeholder group identified, select what you believe is the relevant ethical view Manufacturing company: the ethical principle they would take is deontology On this company the right and the wrong is dependent on meeting their duty and the independent of the consequences. The future liability of the self-driven software rested on the company. Programmer: These individuals believed that there is no single ethical truth Each and every aspect they undertake is contingency based Maintaining confidentiality: justice ethics is the ethical view in regard to this stakeholder The duty to treat all the parties fairly in regards to the cost and safety is considered. For the 3 issues you have outlined assess your personal values and then, for each issue, determine your own closest fit to the list of 7 ethical principles? My personal values are as follow; Fairness: This closely apply to the one for liability. The liability is subjected to the manufacturing organization and the fault could be the programmer, or the driver. Perfection is my second value on maintain confidentiality. I like being perfect is each task I do to make sure i do everything well. Self-actualization; this is closest to gathering each information for quick decision making. The closest ethical principles that fit in my list are; Deontology and consequentialism Bibliography Bonnefon, J.F., Shariff, A. and Rahwan, I., 2016. The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles. Science, 352(6293), pp.1573-1576. Hansson, S., 2013. The ethics of risk: Ethical analysis in an uncertain world. Springer. Hevelke, A. and Nida-Rmelin, J., 2015. Responsibility for crashes of autonomous vehicles: an ethical analysis. Science and engineering ethics, 21(3), pp.619-630. McCormick, S.E., 2016. Transcendence: An Ethical Analysis of Enhancement Technologies (Doctoral dissertation, Cleveland State University). Menze, M. and Geiger, A., 2015. Object scene flow for autonomous vehicles. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 3061-3070).

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